Monday, June 28, 2010

#17 Bridge

The new bridge for #17 tee box was installed this morning. The new steel bridge was anchored on top of the existing cart path temporarily until this winter when the back nine can be closed down. During winter the bridge will be placed off to the side so that work on the retaining wall and embankments can be completed. Once the new bridge embankments are installed, the bridge will be placed back onto them permanently.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

#10 fairway sod project

The maintenance team began strip sodding #10 fairway today. We will be stripping in fresh sod in bare spots in the fairways during the next few weeks. Strip sodding allows us to cover a large area economically, while still drastically reducing the amount of time required for the turf to recover.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

#9 bunker renovation

The maintenance staff began work on the fairway bunker on #9 today and the new bunker is already taking shape. Once the new bunker shape is dug out and the old material is removed, the new drainage and sand will be added. We hope to start filling in sand by the end of the week.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cultural practices

Just finished verticutting and topdressing greens. This will help keep the thatch layer in check and keep greens healthy, firm and have a smooth roll.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


As if we didn't already have enough rain lately, we got 3.5" more rain yesterday. We are hoping to get mowers out tomorrow and get caught back up.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

#6 bunker renovation

The maintenance staff hustled to wrap up the renovation on #6 last week. A little more sand is needed to finish the bunker and open it up for play. Fresh sand will play soft for a while until it can settle in. Renovation of #9 fairway bunker will begin next week.

Winterkill recovery

The hot topic around town is winterkill and how are everyone's tees and fairways doing. Over the last month we have made big progress in growing in from the winterkill damage. We have been pushing lots of fertilizer and keeping the turf moist to allow as much growth as possible. We will be adding some sod to certain tees and fairways in the coming weeks. This first photo was taken May 11th and the second was taken June 12th.