As winter presses on, and we remain busy, I've stared noticing more cart traffic patterns around the course. So I thought I would take a moment to discuss the importance of following some general cart rules. I know your eyes are rolling back, and you're thinking, I don't want to have rules while I golf, but if these few simple guidelines will improve course conditions. dormant Bermuda cannot recover from wintr cart traffic and excessive amounts can lead to compacted soil and a thin spots come spring. Extra work is required of the agronomy staff to remedy the compaction and improve the playability of the turf.
Please keep carts on paths at all tee boxes, green complexes, and all par 3s. The staff also has numerous signs, wood barriers, and roped areas throughout the course meant to guide the traffic and spread it around. Please look out for the roped areas and observe all signage around the course.
We appreciate your support with this and are looking forward to a great 2013 season.