Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ugly Putting Green

If you've been on the putting green lately you've likely noticed the blotchy yellow color throughout the green.  This is annual bluegrass, or Poa annua, that has been treated with a growth regulator as part a control program aimed at reducing the Poa annua contamination in our greens.  Generally, as greens age, contamination from Poa  becomes more prevalent.  This is especially true on greens that receive heavy foot traffic and have a history of excessive soil moisture.  Poa tends to grow faster than Bentgrass throughout the day and therefore greens with excessive amounts of Poa will get bumpy and slow as the day progresses.  This chemical won't kill the Poa, it just stunts the growth and allows the Bentgrass to better compete for water and nutrients.  I realize this green doesn't look very good during this process, but hopefully, an increase in putting quality will make up for it.

As summer approaches, we will back off the chemical control and let the summer heat continue to discourage the Poa.  Then, when fall approaches and the temperatures cool off, we'll start up the program again.  Antagonizing the Poa throughout the growing season, is our best defense until other control options are developed.  If you have any questions regarding our Poa control program, please feel free to ask.  Thanks

The yellow Poa plants really stand out against the dark green Bentgrass

This lower tier closest to the clubhouse has the most Poa

1 comment:

  1. Hi admin
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    Best Regards
    Sheryl Garcia
